5 Tips to Keeping Your iPhone at Its Peak Performance

It is almost impossible to go through your daily life without the presence of your iPhone; whether you need it for financial planning, for social media or for business reasons, your iPhone is the backbone of your very existence, so how can afford for it lose peak performance?

You cannot. But the real question is, how can you keep your iPhone going at its peak performance? There are several things you can do to keep it operating smoothly; you should do your best to conserve the battery because something as simple as having the screen too bright will drain your battery faster than you would expect. With your busy life, you may not have time to recharga your iPhone. Below are five tips to keeping your iPhone at its peak performance.

Turn On Airplane Mode

Airplane mode can be found in your menu options. This feature turns off Bluetooth and WiFi, which will greatly conserve your battery power. You cannot afford to lose your battery life. Running your phone on such a feature will keep it powered-up longer and will keep it at its peak performance.

Turn Down Screen Brightness

Keeping your screen too bright means your battery is slowly draining. Turn down the brightness to the point where you can still see it clearly, but to where your battery will last you longer.

Do Not Stay in the Internet

Keeping the Internet up on your phone, especially when you are not using it, will drain your battery very quickly. If you are using the Internet, then make sure you do what you need to do and get out of it. Spending more time than you actually need to will cause your phone to lose its peak performance.

Set Auto-Lock to 1 Minute

Setting auto-lock means that as soon as you stop using your phone, it will go into hibernation, which will greatly save on your battery life. You want your phone to stay fast and efficient, and if your phone is losing battery power, it may begin to slow down.

Clean your iPhone

Much like a computer, your iPhone has small compartments that have airflow to allow for your device to breathe. Make sure you turn off your device first, then use a damp cloth to clean out the crevices to allow better airflow. Doing so will result in a better performing iPhone.

If you are finding yourself having trouble keeping your iPhone charged, you may need a new charger; shop around for the best iphone and ipad car charger and the best dual port charger to keep your iPhone fully juiced up.

Overall, keeping your iPhone running at its peak performance is not a difficult task. Follow these five tips to ensure your iPhone lasts you a long time. Your iPhone’s weak performance may be nothing more than low battery power.